マスコワナ通り - 清田晴美
Rue Mascoinat - oil painting by Harumi Kiyota
A narrow street that runs diagonally through the old town of Nice, from which you can see all the way to the top of the tower of the Saint-Repalat Cathedral, built in the 17th century. The old town was built in an era when there were no cars, so it's perfect for walking around. I found a new shop today too.
●作家名:清田晴美 作家の詳細を見る
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ニース, 南仏の街, 旧市街, コートダジュール, 世界遺産, サン・ルパラット大聖堂, プロバンス, 南仏, 教会, Nice, Southern France, Old Town, Cote d'Azur, World Heritage Site, Saint-Repalat Cathedral, Provence, Southern France, Church,