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四季 - 齋藤赤絵

四季 - 齋藤赤絵



Four Seasons - Mixed Media by Akae Saito



In one painting, he depicts plants and creatures of each season, expressing the change of seasons. The water flowing at the bottom of the painting, and the impression of its slow movement and the birds taking flight also evoke the passage of time.





●作家名:齋藤赤絵  作家の紹介を見る


●絵サイズ : F20(73×60cm)

●額外寸 :  77×64cm



日本国内送料無料。諸外国への送料は¥28,000 別途お支払い頂きます。


Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥28,000 separatelly. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


絵画作品,花の絵,ひまわり,季節の草花 ,金魚,花と鳥の絵 ,ミクストメディア,エンカウスティック,齋藤赤絵,artwork flowerartwork,flowerandbird,fourseasons,goldfish,mixedmediaart,encaustic,japaneseartist,AkaeSaito

  • 取り扱い上の注意


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