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桃龍/屏風画 - 大月望愛

桃龍/屏風画 - 大月望愛


Momoryu (Peach Dragon) on Folding Screen  - Nihonga painting by Noa Otsuki


桃龍は“愛・与える力・生命・母性・優しさ”を司っています。 人前に姿を現すことが少ないため描かれる事も少ない存在ですがその優しげな外見からは想像もできないほどの “生きること” への力強いエネルギーに満ち溢れています。 この桃龍は全ての事柄を自身の“子”であるかのように扱い、母親のように接し、無条件の愛をそそぎます。


感謝の心を子どもたちに教え、生き抜くうえで起こり得る様々な事象に対して悠然と対応することの大切さ、そして時に子を守る親の必死さと勇気、それは他人をも動かす強さがあるということを教示します。 「的確な判断力や創造力はいつも “真剣に生きる” ことによって生まれる」とこの桃龍は語りかけています。 近年問題視されている児童虐待、ペアレント問題を課題とし描いた作品ですが 自身の個展開催に伴い、コロナ禍で奮闘する今だからこそエネルギーに満ち溢れ、初春を迎える喜びを思わせる華やかな作品を訪れる人への「生きる希望」へと繋いで行けるよう来場者閲覧限定作品として描きました。




Momoryu (Peach Dragon) is in charge of "love, giving power, life, motherhood, and kindness." It is rarely depicted because it rarely appears in public, but it is full of powerful energy for "living" that cannot be imagined from its gentle appearance. This Momoryu treats all her things as if she were her own "child", treats her like her mother, and arouses unconditional love.


It is important to teach children gratitude and respond calmly to various events that may occur in survival, and sometimes the desperation and courage of parents to protect their children, which has the strength to move others. I will tell you that. "A good judgment and creativity are always created by" living seriously, " says Momoryu. It is a work that depicts child abuse and parent issues, which have been regarded as problems in recent years, but with the holding of my own solo exhibition, she is full of energy because she is struggling with the corona, and she visits a gorgeous work that reminds us of the joy of welcoming early spring. I drew it as a visitor-only work so that I could connect to the "hope to live" for people.


The folding screen used for the work was drawn by Covid-19 and taking over the folding screen for the event, which became unnecessary due to management difficulties due to the influence of the spread of coronavirus infection. We hope that this work will continue to exist along with the history of this folding screen, without any repairs, and we hope that you will feel the changing times with the work.



●作家名:大月望愛 作家の紹介を見る






日本国内送料無料。諸外国への送料は額無しで¥150,000 別途お支払い頂きます。


Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥150,000 separately without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.


日本画, 水墨画, 墨, 筆, 金箔, 日本, 大阪, 日本の文化, 神社, 龍, 桃龍, 祈願, 文化, 大月望愛, Japan,

Japanese painting, ink painting, ink, brush, gold leaf, Japan, Osaka, Japanese culture, shrine, drgon, pink drgon, prayer, culture, Nozomi Otsuki, Japan,

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